I cannot believe that it is already the end of the month! I cannot believe how quickly January has gone, L has now only got just over 4 months to her wedding! As it's now the end of January we also though we would show you the items that have been our favourite's of the month.
Now the first thing that both L and I have been loving is the
N Spa Angel Cake Bath Melt, now this is available from
Asda or
Nirvana Spa and retails at roughly £6. I love this stuff, its very thick and smell sweet just like angel cake. The melt is in a great sealed jar (which looks gorgeous in the bathroom) and what I tend to do is get a handful and put my hand then under the running tap.
We both cannot put into words how much we love the N Spa range, another fave of the month for L is the
N Spa Hot Butter Fudge Bath Syrup which again can be picked up from
Asda or
Nirvana Spa for roughly £4.50. This is another great sickly sweet smelling bath item and a firm favourite for L's household. Also currently Asda are running some roll backs on N Spa range so check them out!

Another firm favourite for me is Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion, this is a staple favorite for me and I love using it! I will do a proper review soon on it, but basically this makes me eye make-up lasts sooooo long without creasing. What more can I say? Oh maybe that you can pick it up in Boots or Debenhams etc and retails at £12.
Another favourite and recent addition to my eyeliner collection is my Topshoop Eye Khol in Pewter, which is £4 from Topshop. I love love love this eyeliner and I will be off for more shortly. You can see my post
here for swatches, all I can say again is it glides on like a dream, it's really pigmented and lasts great!
I have two favourite nail polishes this month firstly Models Own Grace Green, I have a post on this polish coming up soon. This is a great nail polish to ease me into spring and out of dark nail polish. My second favourite is No7 Beanie which I picked up recently with the £5 off No7 voucher. Another great shade to add to my growing nail varnish collection.
Lippie wise my favourite has been another item I have picked up with the £5 off No7 voucher, No7 Sheer Temptation in Sparkle which you can see in my post
here. I love a sheer sparkly lippie and this fits the bill especially with it's peachy/tangerine shade. And as an added bonus its has the texture and feel of of a lip balm....prefect!
Another new item this month which has settled lovely into mine and L's make-up collection is Benefit Bella Bamba. This is Benefits new boxed 3D blusher and its just gorgeous. You can see our post
here on the launch event we attended for Bella Bamba. Its such a gorgeous colour and I have worn everyday since I got it.
Another favourite that I have just found is Bourjois Eye make-up remover, I bought this after seeing a review on
London Beauty Queen's blog. After reading her review I knew I needed to give it ago and I have to say I haven't been disappointed. It retails at roughly £4.99 and removes my eye make-up (even waterproof) in basically 1 swipe! A full review soon.

Neals Yard Orange Flower Moisturiser, it has become L's absolute skin saviour! She has returned to using this moisturiser and has fallen back in love with it. But unlike most people she doesn't actually like the smell that much but she loves the effect on her skin by using it. This retails at roughly £22.20 for 100ml.
Prime Time Primer it is the only primer that keeps L's makeup at least looking a little like its still there after her 12 hour days. This retails at at roughly £14.
Benefit Benetint helps L on her ghostly looking days to make her look like part of the human race. It is also a firm favourite of mine as is soooo easy to apply but really makes a difference to my face when I apply it. This retails at £24.50.
This month we have also been loving our eyebrows that we had done at the Benefit Event, what do you think of mine?

Oh and on a side note L has been loving her magazine subscripion she had for Christmas. Its a great pick me up when you get home and glamour magazine is waiting for you!

What have been your favourites of the month?
Thank you