She had and still has the most AMAZING skin. Not a line in sight. She recently turned 30 and her skin looks like that of a 16 year old, which goes to show that moisturising the skin is key.
Naturally, I bought this when she first recommended it in the hope I too would have skin like hers.
So how do I find this product?
It's a lovely smelling oil that glides onto the skin and provides great moisture to my face. I use a drop for each side of my face and maybe half a drop top up for the forehead and chin just to blend all over. Any more and it feels too heavy on my skin.
I did try it as a daily moisturiser but it was too oily and my makeup would just slide off! However, I always use it when my skin is playing up and needs a bit of TLC. I have been using it before bed this week. When I wake up my skin is smooth and soft.
I would recommend this product if you are looking to inject immediate moisture into your skin, without any breakouts. It's a little pricey at £20.00 per 50ml bottle, but it lasts for ever so I don't mind.
Has anyone else ever tried this or anything else from Neals Yard Remedies?
great review.. now i really want to try it .. hehe
I really like Neals Yard products so will have a look at this :)
This sounds lovely :) In my last blog post I talked about the C.O.Bigelow Rose Salve, it is also a gorgeous Rose product, think you would like it. They have a whole range of Rose infused goodies that I want to check out although because they are in the US it's harder to purchase over here so maybe this would be a close UK alternative! Will need to pop in to NYR soon for a little look :) I heard they also have a great Orange Flower range too - very moisturising and nourishing!? Sounds good! xxx P.S. love your blog!
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