Hello there my foundation hunting sisters!!
So, like most of you, I am constantly on the look-out for a truly fabulous foundation that will take away all my skin worries. Over the years I have tried sooooooo many. Most of which I have been unhappy with.
Brief History:-
For a couple of years I used L'Oreal Cashmere Touch (I think it was called) it made my skin look smooth, but always went patchy as it slid off my face.
I moved on to Estee Lauder Double Wear. I love how this foundation actually stays put. And no patchyness!!! But my pores started to look more obvious. (Review coming up soon)
Therefore, around March I began using the Bare Minerals foundation after purchasing the get started 6 piece collection. (Again review coming soon)
However, the Bare Minerals is around £17 for 2g worth of foundation, which lasted me around 2 months. I had to find a cheaper alternative.
There are LOADS of mineral products out there, but I stumbled across the Perfecting Minerals and it was £5 for 15g! For that price I will try anything!
I LOVE this foundation. For the price it is amazing. I pop on my moisturiser and primer and smooth it on and my skin looks lovely. It just evens out my complexion beautifully whilst remaining natural, which I like for the day.
It's a bit thicker than other mineral products I have tried so it doesn't need building up, it just goes on like foundation, with the benefit of not having to blend the jaw line!! Oh, and it has a brush included - but it shreds loads so you probably won't use it.
Here's what it looks like on my skin (phone pics so not too clear)...
Please excuse my sleepy eyes, I have not slept more than 6 hours max a night in 2 weeks and it was first thing in the morning!
- It is super cheap and there is loads!!
- Very smooth on skin
- My skin looks bright and it smooths out my pores.
- When my skin gets hot it can itch a little (but I mean when I get really hot)
- It probably needs touching up to look perfect all day - although I don't because my skin looks even all day.
- There aren't enough shades (only 4). I use the darkest shade in Biscuit and it's too light so I always have to put Bare Minerals warmth on too.
I would definately recommend trying this, I was very pleasantly surprised!
Giddy Princess xxx