So as you all maybe aware L gets married on the 4th of June and I will be one of her bridesmaids. As the date is approaching fastly I have been trying to get myself ready for the big event!
One thing L and myself have been thinking about what do do with our nails. L has finally made her decision (I think!) and likes the look which you can see here, but I can't decide. L has picked a gorgeous dress colour for us to wear so i would like something that would complement this green and the pink theme.

I want something that isn't over the top but not too nude but also not too boring...and I'm struggling. So I was thinking to either go with just E.L.F Innocent or George Witchcraft, or E.L.F Innocent with a so metallic tips.But then I found this Accessoirize nail polish for £4 yesterday and I really like the colour on, it is similar to E.L.F Innocent but has more of a pink tone to it
I have applied two coats here and I have to say I normally like how the accessoirize nail polishes apply but this was rubbish to apply and I am not completely happy with the finish...very disappointed.
I am still not sure its the colour i will end up wearing! But I am tempted to try a brighter pink as L's them does have dusky green/turquoise, pale pink and a brighter pink, you can see her flowers here.
Has anyone got any suggestions of colours?
I like George Witchcraft!
The dress is gorgeous, I adore it! :) Also I quite like the Accessoirize one.
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