In the end, I think her review comes down to whether you can put up with a Really Bad Smell for a good product.
Day One – Face cream only
Smell is disgusting had to wash my hands because I couldn’t stand smell on them! Went on like thick gulp – yuck! Thoughts - I won’t be using this again. However that evening my skin felt so soft. Not sure if I’ll last week.
Day Two
Decided to preserve - just need to get passed the smell and gulp! I have used Olay since I can’t remember when, but Lucura is having much better results in just a few days.
Day Three
Used serum first then the face cream – much better the cream seemed to sink in better and smell better... not sure if I’m just getting to it or the serum helped! My skin feels lovely.
Day Four and onwards
Results – put up with down sides of face cream because the results are so good.
Haven’t said very much about serum... leaving the best till last, amazing absolutely love it. Beats No 7 Prefect and Protect for me – not often I really like a product. I’m a ‘well I’ve bought it now and waste not want not type of girl’. But this is good, I will still use my No 7 Serum up but this is the best thing EVER.
No breakouts, just soft skin, my skin feels better each day.
The Serum is my must have product and I really don’t rave. As for the Face Cream, I’ll see how I feel by I get to the end of the jar! (Not sure I’ll make it though) Still on the fence! But don’t think I’ll buy it again.... still need to find my prefect face cream on a budget.
I don't know if I could get past something that smelled bad if I was wearing it on my face all day, haha. I'm glad it's working for you though! That's a nice little consolation, right? XD
I think if it didn't make your face smell the rest of the day I could cope. Although I think I'll stick to my Oilatum for the time being :)
Rainbows and Buttons
I use an avon cream and it makes me smell like an old woman. Bleeurgh xxxx
Love this post, your mum is a great guest blogger :)
Lovely post! I really like your blog, I hope we can follow each other! Ciao from Italy! :)
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