They had a couple of Models own sets and singles on sale. I managed to get Beth's Blue for £2 while it was still £5 across the road in Boots...bargain!
Whilst in River Island I noticed that they had some colours colours in their sale. I think I spotted Purple Passion for £2 as well. Then they had a 3 piece set for £5 which included had a yellow, orange/coral and a blue. So it is worth checking your River Island out.
Now I know Models own sometime runs a 3 for 2 in Boots (not on at the moment) and they do offers for 3 for £12 on their website etc. But in River Island they had 4 gift sets of Models Own that retailed at £10 which you can see here. I really like these little sets and would love the glitter set!
Are you a Models Own fan?
Ooooh great find and the colour is gorgeous!
I LOVE Models Own!! Look out for my haul post soon if your interested? xxx
I have wanted Beth's Blue for ages! Might have to check my local River Island out! xx
Loving your bargain. I saw some of them on sale in my local River Island too. Whilst I was in there I picked up this little beauty NYX Glitterati Cream Pallete Liking River Island a lot at the moment! xx
@sweetaholic rachel - i will take a look.
@paperbacks and postcodes - well worth a visit to river island.
@@ suzy - i saw that there it looks great
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