I've had a bit of a thing lately for serums, currently trying out a couple at the moment, however I've had this one for a few months now and its been my most used serum.
Firstly it costs £13.00 from Boots which is about normal for the drug store serums and secondly its promises to make your skin smoother, healthier, firmer and younger! Basically its meant to make your skin glow.

I've done a few quick pictures below to show it straight out of the tub and blended in
Verdict - Now I don't have massive issues with wrinkles or aging skin, so its not like I've seen a huge improvement in the quality of my skin, however it has become smoother (but not necessarily tighter) and its mainly for this reason that I've kept using it. Also I'm working with the somewhat nutty hope that if I start now I may not develop as many wrinkles!
I LOVE Soap & Glory, adore their kitsch packaging- so cute. I can't get it over here in Melbourne :-(
at what age do we need youth cream?
Well I don't really know. But I think your supposed to start before you get any wrinkles, so probably mid to late 20's.
I remember being told at 22 by a makeup stand that I should have been using something then - ridiculous! Just started now and I'm 27 and mainly cos I have a few lines by my eyes
I love Soap and Glory bubble bath and it's the only Soap and Glory product I have. But ive heard a lot of good reviews about their whole range so I will most likely be trying this.
I love Soap and Glory bubble bath and it's the only Soap and Glory product I have. But ive heard a lot of good reviews about their whole range so I will most likely be trying this.
Love soap and glory..there products have the best scent and packaging . xox
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