Now I’m having a bit of an experiment at the moment with my daily skin routine.
I fully admit that I’m realllllllly lazy when it comes to maintaining a skin routine – having only recently managed to train myself to taking off my makeup at night, cleansing, toning and moisturising. I know shocking!!
I only cleanse and tone occasionally in the mornings - but I do moisturise everyday!
Right now back to the experiment……

After reading a few reviews lately I’ve decided to try using Pears Soap in the evening to take my makeup off and general clean my face. Now, I know what you’re thinking – Soap???…....isn’t that going to dry you out. Well from what I’m read it doesn’t seem to have really caused that problem and at the moment I’m on day 3 of using it and if anything my face is less dry than usual. My skin has a tendency to look quite dry in patches on my nose (well I would say I have combination skin – which is also quite sensitive to certain products) - it’s therefore quite a weird sensation using soap.
However I’ve decided to give this ago as even though I’m in my mid 20’s I still suffer from spots along my jaw and on my chin – and not just at my time of the month, and a lot of people have commented that they have found Pears good at clearing up their spots.
Day 1
Now after using it on Sunday night I did feel as though my face was squeaky clean – which was a bit weird but didn’t really notice anything different to how my face usually feels. I then continued with my usual cleansing and toning routine.
Day 2
Now when I got up I’d noticed that I had broken out in a few tiny spots on my chin – although this weren’t really that noticeable under my makeup. I went home that evening and once again used the soap to take my makeup off before my usual skin routine (I’m currently avoiding my nose area as this is somewhere I get really dry skin and if all goes well elsewhere I’ll start to try it on my nose).
Day 3
I swear my skin looks better today – still no dryness which is amazing!!!!. My pores seem to be smaller as well.
I’m actually really excited to go home and use the soap again tonight – hopefully I’ll still be dryness free hehe!!
I’ll post an update on my experiment next week.
L x
p.s. Has anybody else been using just soap on their face?? How have they found it??