
Saturday 5 November 2011

Remember Remember...

Well for those who aren't British, today is Guy Faukes Night. We celebrate by having a bonfire and letting off fireworks.

L and myself are spending the evening at Bletchley Park for their annual Blitz Night.

We get to watch the firework go to to wartime music and the whole them is tied into its wartime history. We have the whole family except my youngest sister here to go along.

What have you got planned?

Hope you have a great Bonfire Night!



  1. love the blog! I find myself coming to your blog every time you have a new post on the blog roll! im anerican, so im wondering what is the bonfire night in memory of? what war? whose guy faukes?

  2. Hi Erica,

    Here's some more info
    Every year around the 5th Nov we have (or go to) a bonfire and let off fireworks.
