
Wednesday 2 November 2011

Nails Inc Set

I had mentioned that I had found a Nails Inc set in TK Maxx for £19.99, see here for the post. I have finally got a round to swatching them all.
The box is lovely but I have to say i won't be keeping them in the box I keep my polishes in a tubs from Ikea, you can see one of the tubs here. I actually could do with getting some more.

The set contains 6 full size polishes and 4 mini's.

The shades are from the top left to right Old Church Street (nude shade), South Molton Lane (Hot pink) and Greenwich Market (deep cherry shimmer red). Middle row left to right are Caviar Topcoat Glitter (multi shade glitter), Holly Bush Vale (bright pillar box red), Marylebone Lane (vibrant purple shimmer) and Chelsea Embankment (gold glitter). Bottom row left to right Suffolk Street (aubergine purple), Duke of York Square (deep teal green) and Holbien Place (a blue shimmer).

For the swatches below I used 2 for all except Caviar Topcoat Glitter which i used 3 coats. On a couple of the shades I could have got away with 2 coats. They all applied nicely and but I think they look odd together as a box set, yet it does mean I have a nice mix of colours.My favourite shades are Caviar Topcoat Glitter, Chelsea Embankment (gold glitter), Suffolk Street (Aubergine purple), Duke of York Square (dark teal green) and Holbien Place (blue shimmer). I was also pleasantly surprised by Old church street, I didn't like it in the bottle but I liked the pinky nude on.

I am happy with the purchase especially for the array of colours I got. I think Suffolk street and Duke of York Square will be my winter staple colours.

What do you think? bargain for £19.99?



  1. This set is BEAUTIFUL! it has got the perfect colors <3 :)

  2. Great set!!
    I love hte colors!

  3. Nice one! Especially when you think each of them retails for £11! (~But is there anyone buying it at that price?) I love the Glitter top coat!

  4. Definate bargain! Brilliant find!! And theyre all such nice colours! xxx

  5. Fab set, lovely colours! Wow what a great find for £20 x

  6. Thanks for the comments

    Lots of great different colours to add to my collections. Also such good value
