
Monday 21 March 2011

More No7 Nails


I just wanted to show you two more nail polishes I have picked up from the No7 Range. I have ended up buying some more as I still had some of the £5 off vouchers left (they are valid till the 27th March).

The two I got are Betty Blues from the Stay Prefect range (you can see more here) and Hot Pink from the Speed Dry Range (you can see more here).

Now I don't think I would ever pay the full price of these nail polishes which is £7 but as these work out to £2 with the voucher I don't mind picking them up. You can see my other shades here, which are in Beanie, Damson Dream and Totally Teal . I still quite fancy picking up Violetta from the Speed Dry range but other than that I am not sure I fancy any other shades. Though they do have some other great bright shades Pink Grapefruit, Salsa, Vivid Violet, Cherry Tang, Coral Kiss, and Poolside Blue.

What purchases have you made with your vouchers?



  1. I love Betty Blues! I already have a few hot pink, so I am less excited about the other one!

  2. I like the pink too!

    I got the Number 7 volume mascara with the voucher. I normally use Max Factor 2000 calorie mascara now I can't really afford Clinique High Impact anymore. The Number 7 one wasn't too bad but I would still choose 2000 calorie over that one if I didn't have a voucher as it's the best I've found for thickening without leaving clumps.

