
Sunday 2 January 2011

L's Christmas Presents

Ok so K put up her Christmas presents this morning so I thought I'd quickly go through mine.

As usual I got some gorgeous presents and I've definitely noticed a more beauty related theme to my presents this year.

I got Jamie Olivers 30 minute diners, Lauren Conrad Style, Prime Time primer, Ralph Lauren Romance, jewellery, smellies, nail varnish, lipglosses and an eyeshadow palette as well as a few other bits.

This year my fiancé and I decided to keep things small as the wedding is fast approaching (5 months to go - eeek!). Despite this he still got me loads. He also went a little mad either the Fearne Cotton range at Boots.

I can't wait to play with the brushes.

He also got me the most chavtastic iPhone cover.....

Love it!

K as usual got me some really cute little bits. In particular a lovely Pop jigsaw gem eyeshadow palette.

I'll swatch it and get some pics up shortly.

Lastly just wanted to show you a great thing my mum got for all of us. They're survival kits from Boots for different things i.e clubbing or festivals.

I got the Serious Shoppers one....

K got the mums kit and my little sister got the party animal one.

I just thought that these were a great present idea for people. Ended up getting my mum the sleeping survival kit in the sale.

Can't wait to properly play with all my new stuff!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Ahaha, I LOVE the phone cover! How awesome is that?! Reminds me of Japanese nail art haha. The survival kits are cute - great idea from Boots :)

  2. It really does look like nail art. It is slightly over the top but I love it haha


  3. Those survival packs are great. A couple of years ago I got my BF the man flu one x

  4. those survival packs look awesome

  5. What a great presents !
    Enjoy them
