
Tuesday 6 July 2010

Lush Breath of Fresh Air

Thought I'd do a review of this as I've just finished my first Bottle. So the obvious question that arose was - Do I want to repurchase?

Well firstly the product promises to:

'Tone without tightness. Soften your skin with aloe; feed it with vitamins and minerals. Reduces dryness, soreness and redness'

I've been using this daily since I got it. I use it just before my moisturiser - sprayed directly on to cotton pad and then wiped over mt face (althought some morning I spray it straight on my face and then a bit on a cotton pad and wipe over face)

It can also be sprayed directly on to your face when you need as a mist - also good in the lovely air con offices!

Its got a very refreshing smell - not to strong (which is great for me)

Verdict - Overall I love this product! I suffer from redness around my nose and on my cheeks and I have seen a change in this - not massive but enough! My skin doesn't feel tight after use and its definitley feeling softer. My Skin just looks healthy and feels in much better condition. I just don't think I could be without this is my dailt rountine - so going to repurchase!


  1. Oh I might try this out, I get a lot of redness on my cheeks and it's starting to get worse.
    Thanks for the review!

  2. Nice review. I love this as well xx

  3. wow, it sounds like an amazing product! i might consider buying it :)

  4. wow! sounds like an amazing product :) i'm considering buying it!

  5. Also really love this...onto my 4th bottle!

    It reminds me of lemonade for some reason as it's so refreshing. Also like you say it does help abit with redness! :)

    Fee x

  6. @chantelle and @ava - Definitley would try it girlies - its so nice!

    @ansa - thank you

    @Makesavvy - actually pruchased after seeing your review - LOVE IT!


  7. @WarPaintGuru - £3.25 for 100g and £6.35 for 250g.


  8. I am your newest follower...I amd seriously addicted to Lush!

  9. Very nice blog. Like the pictures! ;-)

  10. Awesome blog girlies! I'm an English gal living down under and it's great to read your funky blog everyday. Totally in love with Lush. Just friggin beautiful stuff xxx

  11. Thanks for the review!
    I've never tried this before ..

  12. Thanks for the review! I have the same condition (redness) as you :) Glad to know this product can help :) Will definitely try to get this product~~ thanks again!!


  13. How funny, I went to Lush yesterday and had this product on my hands and didn't trust it. I have a lot of redness on my nose and cheeks as well. Now I am definetly going to buy it! Thanks lotss!

  14. ill have to try! come follow me xoxo
