
Sunday 30 May 2010

Collection 2000 - Perfecting Minerals Foundation

Hello there my foundation hunting sisters!!

So, like most of you, I am constantly on the look-out for a truly fabulous foundation that will take away all my skin worries. Over the years I have tried sooooooo many. Most of which I have been unhappy with.


Brief History:-

For a couple of years I used L'Oreal Cashmere Touch (I think it was called) it made my skin look smooth, but always went patchy as it slid off my face.

I moved on to Estee Lauder Double Wear. I love how this foundation actually stays put. And no patchyness!!! But my pores started to look more obvious. (Review coming up soon)

Therefore, around March I began using the Bare Minerals foundation after purchasing the get started 6 piece collection. (Again review coming soon)

However, the Bare Minerals is around £17 for 2g worth of foundation, which lasted me around 2 months. I had to find a cheaper alternative.


There are LOADS of mineral products out there, but I stumbled across the Perfecting Minerals and it was £5 for 15g! For that price I will try anything!

I LOVE this foundation. For the price it is amazing. I pop on my moisturiser and primer and smooth it on and my skin looks lovely. It just evens out my complexion beautifully whilst remaining natural, which I like for the day.

It's a bit thicker than other mineral products I have tried so it doesn't need building up, it just goes on like foundation, with the benefit of not having to blend the jaw line!! Oh, and it has a brush included - but it shreds loads so you probably won't use it.

Here's what it looks like on my skin (phone pics so not too clear)...

Please excuse my sleepy eyes, I have not slept more than 6 hours max a night in 2 weeks and it was first thing in the morning!


  1. It is super cheap and there is loads!!
  2. Very smooth on skin
  3. My skin looks bright and it smooths out my pores.


  1. When my skin gets hot it can itch a little (but I mean when I get really hot)
  2. It probably needs touching up to look perfect all day - although I don't because my skin looks even all day.
  3. There aren't enough shades (only 4). I use the darkest shade in Biscuit and it's too light so I always have to put Bare Minerals warmth on too.

I would definately recommend trying this, I was very pleasantly surprised!

Giddy Princess xxx


  1. thanks for the review.. was really helpful :)

  2. Shall have to give it a try!

  3. You are so tan! And that foundation looks really nice, UK products make me feel sad hahaha xxxx

  4. i love it when things are cheap! :)

  5. @ Sarah H. - glad you found it helpful lady!

    @3ate4 - you should really try it, I think its fabulous - especically for the price! Let me know if you like it as much as I do!!

    @Ariel - Awww, you need to take a trip over here so that you can pick up a load of stuff!!!

    @Viva La Fashion - I love it when things are cheap too - especially when they are good!!! Happytimes!

  6. @ Sara.H - I am very sorry hunni - I just realised I added an extra "H" to your name. Please ignore my silly tiredness!

  7. Hey! I've awarded you a blog love award!

  8. Awwh it sounds great :) pity they dont have Collection 2000 in Australia, they seem to have really nice products.

  9. Great review :)

    Btw...I nominated you for an award on my blog :) xx

  10. Great review :)

    Btw...I nominated you for an award on my blog :) xx

  11. Awwwww thank you girlie!!! xx
